Title Title “Time”
Are you ready for the battle of a lifetime? Take the gloves off and it’s time to choose which title of “Time” wins. “Time” by Pink Floyd was released in 1974 as the fourth...
Are you ready for the battle of a lifetime? Take the gloves off and it’s time to choose which title of “Time” wins. “Time” by Pink Floyd was released in 1974 as the fourth...
Among some excellent choices, including Paula Abdul and Mick Fleetwood, this week’s Birthday of the Week is Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys. On Monday (June 20), Wilson turns 80. To commemorate his milestone,...
Among Conway Twitty‘s forty number one hits on Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart, twelve topped the chart in the 1980s. Exactly 40 years ago, the sixth of those twelve hits, his version of “Slow Hand,” climbed...