Title Title on the Tenth: “Just The Way You Are”
In last month’s Title Title on the Tenth, Diana Ross defeated Jack Johnson to win the “Upside Down” Title Title.
For this month’s Title Title on the Tenth, we go back exactly five years ago, when Bruno Mars‘ first charting single, “Just The Way You Are,” was entering the third week of a four-week run atop Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart. Of course, Mars’ single is the second song with that title in Hot 100 history. In 1978, Billy Joel spent two weeks at number 3 with his song titled “Just The Way You Are.”
This month’s question, then, is which “Just The Way You Are” deserves the Title Title. Check out both songs and vote below.
Which "Just The Way You Are" wins the Title Title?
- Billy Joel (83%, 5 Votes)
- Bruno Mars (17%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 6