John Mellencamp Sentune

John Mellencamp dominated the 1980s and 1990s as an outstanding American song writer / performer. Today, try your hand at completing a mini or regular Sentune. Once again, the object of a Sentune is take song titles of an artist and create a sentence with them. Three song titles equal a mini-Sentune and five song titles equals a full-Sentune.

Jack and Diane get a leg up under the boardwalk
Pink houses crumblin down under the boardwalk

Again tonight, Jack and Diane dance naked under the boardwalk when Jesus left Birmingham

Songs to help:
Again Tonight
My Sweet Love
Wild Nights
Hurt So Good
Get A Leg Up
Authority Song
Key West Intermezzo
ROCK in the USA
Under The Boardwalk
Love and Happiness
Rain on The Scarecrow
Pink Houses
Need A Lover
Dance Naked
Cherry Bomb
Small Town
Lonely Ol’ Night
Jackie Brown
Freedom’s Road
What if I came Knocking
Human Wheels
Just Another Day
Crumblin Down

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2 Responses

  1. Ray Schuck says:

    Great idea to have Mellencamp as a sentune. Here’s my best so far:

    Pop Singer Jackie Brown, Small Town Jack and Diane check it out.

  2. Ray Schuck says:

    And a minisentune:

    Now more than ever I need a lover crumblin’ down.

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