Analog Adventures: Hounds of Love

Kate Bush

Hounds of Love


About the Artist

Kate Bush is a pop music pioneer. She grew up playing music and the love for writing never waned. Her demo tape made the rounds among all the record companies but none of them took a chance on the budding songwriter. This changed when Pink Floyd guitarist and family friend David Gilmour heard the tape and offered to produce a more professional sounding recording. Now with a foot in the door, Kate Bush began her wonderfully strange career. Never afraid to experiment with unusual instruments, lyrical themes, and song structure, Bush takes the best of progressive rock and mixes it with pop sensibilities. Add a dash of theatricality and that is the recipe for Kate Bush.

The Record Itself

Hounds of Love is the first recording Bush did in her own private studio after realizing how expensive renting one out can be. The ability to control her musical direction and image is another reason why Bush decided to go this route. The result is an ambitious album that cleanly splits into two parts. The first half of the album is full of radio friendly songs that inspire the listener to sing along and bop their head. Running Up That Hill, The Big Sky, and Cloudbusting are the stand outs of this side of the album. The Big Sky ends with a chorus loudly proclaiming the truth within the lyrics, swelling in strength with each repeated line. The accompanying videos are artfully performed and choreographed; broadening her appeal on the other side of the pond with the dawn of MTV.

"I still dream of Orgonon, I wake up crying. You're making rain, and you're just in reach. When you and sleep escape me". - Kate Bush, Cloudbusting.

The second half of the record bring the listener along for a journey in King Arthur’s court. The seven part suite strings together seamlessly, much like the medley on Abbey Road. The mixture of pop music and artistry is exactly why Kate Bush’s impact is still relevant to this day. Her uncompromising spirit, work ethic, and raw talent are a model for musicians of all genres.

The rear cover and the marble pressing.

Physically Speaking

This version of Hounds of Love is a marbled gray and pink finish weighing in at 140 grams. The record reflects the cover’s background and makes for a beautiful effect. The control Bush has over the entire process, including the design of the cover, makes this a special record. The mixing of the music is superb, with no low ends being left out and no high end distortion present. Records such as these are a testament to the formats accuracy and longevity.


Is it Worth It?

Any version of this album is worth a purchase. The timeless joy in all of Kate Bush’s music is infectious and begs to be heard. There are over a dozen different pressings of this record, ranging in price from $15-50. If you wish to stand apart with a colored variant, this version is for you. Above all the music is what matters, and it ought to be enjoyed regardless of the format.


Outstanding Tracks

  • Running Up That Hill
  • Cloudbusting
  • Hello Earth

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Jose Diaz

Collector of analog media.

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