Category: Title Title


Title Title “Shake It Off”

In this round of Title Title, Mariah Carey jumps into the ring with Taylor Swift. Which “Shake It Off” will win the battle? Mariah Carey’s “Shake It Off” went to #2 in 2005, and...


Title Title “Is This Love?”

Join us in this round of Title Title, where the gloves come off for the song “Is This Love?” between Bob Marley, Survivor, and Whitesnake. “Is This Love” is a song by Bob Marley...


Title Title “Human Touch”

Rick Springfield wrote a song called “Don’t Call Me Bruce”. It’s ironic that Bruce years later wrote a song with the same title as Rick. Rick Springfield hit #18 with his song in 1983....


Title Title “Time”

Are you ready for the battle of a lifetime? Take the gloves off and it’s time to choose which title of “Time” wins. “Time” by Pink Floyd was released in 1974 as the fourth...


Which “Fame” Wins the Title?

In this round of Title Title, David Bowie squares off with Irene Cara on “Fame”. David Bowe’s “Fame” climbed to a peak position of number of 1 in 1975. Irene Cara’s “Fame” climbed to...


Title Title “Peaches”

In this round of Title Title, Presidents of the United States (POTUS) and Justin Bieber square off with “Peaches.” POTUS “Peaches” climbed to a peak position of number 29 in 1996. Justin Bieber’s “Peaches”...


Title Title “Freedom”

In this round of Title Title, Wham! and George Michael square off with “Freedom”. Wait a minute, it’s George versus George. Wham!’s “Freedom” climbed to a peak position of a number of 3 in...