Daily Eighties Flashback: Lou Rawls “E/R”
Before the NBC television drama E/R that aired from 1994 to 2009, a sitcom titled E/R ran for one season on CBS in 1984-1985. Exactly 40 years ago, E/R the sitcom debuted. Its theme song...
Before the NBC television drama E/R that aired from 1994 to 2009, a sitcom titled E/R ran for one season on CBS in 1984-1985. Exactly 40 years ago, E/R the sitcom debuted. Its theme song...
Lou Rawls made eighteen appearances on Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart. On this date in 1983, the last of those eighteen songs, “Wind Beneath My Wings,” rose to a peak position of number 65.
On his 1980 album Shades of Blue, Lou Rawls recorded a version of “I Go Crazy,” which Paul Davis originally took to the Top 10 on Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart in 1978. On this date...