Title Title: Good Vibrations
In this edition of Title Title, we have The Beach Boys versus Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch? Since song titles can not be copyrighted, each artist can create their own tunes and sometimes...
In this edition of Title Title, we have The Beach Boys versus Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch? Since song titles can not be copyrighted, each artist can create their own tunes and sometimes...
Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch’s biggest and most remembered hit is “Good Vibrations,” which topped Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart in October 1991. The group did, though, hit the Top 10 one more time, with...
Recording as Marky Mark, actor Mark Wahlberg made five appearances on Billboard‘s Hot 100 with the group the Funky Bunch, all between 1991 and 1992. The biggest hit of the bunch was the first one, “Good...
Exactly three months ago yesterday, actor Mark Wahlberg turned 40. Before launching his successful acting career, Wahlberg entered the American consciousness as a rapper, scoring a number 1 hit exactly 20 years ago yesterday...