That Eerie Feeling …
Some songs have moments in them that bring on a spooky or eerie quality, or they have moments in them in which you can do something that might send a chill down your spine. For me, Don Henley’s “The Boys of Summer” has this moment. At one point during the third verse, Henley sings, “A little voice inside my head said, ‘Don’t look back. You can never look back.'” As Henley sings the last part of this line, I turn my head kind of slowly, but not too slowly, to look behind me (like the kid, the man, and Henley do in the video at this point). For me, at least, this produces a really eerie feeling, especially if I haven’t done it in awhile.
Do you have any moments in songs that bring on this kind of reaction?
In the middle of “Hungry Like The Wolf” by Duran Duran there are a few yells which sound like a child crying. The song gets me every time because it’s so eerie.