Title Title On The Tenth: Angel Eyes
In last month’s Title Title on the Tenth, Bad Company and Roberta Flack tied for the title of best song named “Feel Like Makin’ Love.” Perhaps in the future, we’ll run that Title Title again to try to determine a winner. For now, it’s on to this month’s Title Title.
A little over a week ago, Tunesmate’s Daily Eighties Flashback recognized that it has been 25 years since the Jeff Healey Band scored their biggest hit, as “Angel Eyes” went to number 5 on Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart. Healey’s band’s song is the first of two songs titled “Angel Eyes” to have hit the Top 40. A couple of years ago, in 2012, Nashville-based band Love and Theft reached number 32 with their song titled “Angel Eyes.”
So, the question for this month is “Which ‘Angel Eyes’ deserves the Title Title?” You can check out both songs and vote below.
Which "Angel Eyes" wins the Title Title?
- Jeff Healey Band (75%, 3 Votes)
- Love and Theft (25%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 4