Title Title on the Tenth: Hold On
The results are in from last month’s Title Title, and Janet Jackson edged Lenny Kravitz for best song titled “Again.”
This month, we pick up from our post last month asking you what you think of Colbie Caillat’s recent single, “Hold On.” That song shares a title with a couple of other songs that we featured in a Title Title a few years ago. Wilson Phillips and En Vogue hit numbers 1 and 2, respectively, in 1990 with songs titled “Hold On.”
For this Title Title, we’re putting all three together to ask who has the best song named “Hold On.” To cast your vote, check out both songs and the poll below.
Which "Hold On" wins the Title Title?
- Wilson Phillips (67%, 2 Votes)
- En Vogue (33%, 1 Votes)
- Colbie Caillat (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 3