Title Title on the Tenth: “Upside Down”
This past month, Tears For Fears defeated The Isley Brothers to win the “Shout” Title Title. This month, the Title Title on the Tenth looks back to exactly 35 years ago when Diana Ross‘ “Upside Down” stood at number one on Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart.
Ross’ “Upside Down” is the first of two songs with that title to hit Billboard‘s Hot 100 chart. More than 25 years later, in February 2006, Jack Johnson scored the first of his two Top 40 hits when his “Upside Down,” from the film Curious George, climbed to number 38.
The question, then, for the next month is which “Upside Down” deserves the Title Title. Check out both songs and vote below.
Which "Upside Down" wins the Title Title?
- Diana Ross (60%, 3 Votes)
- Jack Johnson (40%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 5